Saturday, November 8, 2008

Good lord.

Look how I used to type!

Mar 25, 2006 11:02 AM

im watching DP right now cuz it comes on in weekend mornings ya know lol heh well hi thanks for adding me iguess :)
Control Freaks is on
i love this one
wel....yah lol

Mar 25, 2006 11:14 AM

You know whats sad...
I dont think i've seen that one..
lol.wowo i'll have to look out for that one
theres a couple i havent seen..
*tear* lol
...yah whats up?

Why didn't anybody shoot me?!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oh, by the way-

Hell Yes!
Obama-Biden '08 FTW!

Thanks, California.

Same-sex marriage is banned in Cali! How exciting!
And guess how much they spent on campaigning, for and against? 74 million dollars!
But of course, it was a worthy cause. Who'd want to spend 74 million dollars giving food to poor, homeless people, or curing diseases, or helping disaster victims or hospitals or schools or our troops? Why would anybody want to help those people who obviously don't need the money when we could spend it on making everybody aware that gays are disgusting and should not be allowed to unite in "holy matrimony" like the high and mighty heterosexual couples serving the lord Jesus Christ!
I bet a significant amount of that money didn't exist; they probably just whipped out their super special credit cards thus furthering our economic downfall!
"Exit polls for The Associated Press found that Proposition 8 received critical support from black voters who flocked to the polls to support Barack Obama for president. Blacks voted strongly in favor of the ban, while whites narrowly opposed it"
I can understand why blacks would really want a black president in the White House, finally, but race shouldn't matter. Gender shouldn't matter. Religion shouldn't matter. Orientation shouldn't matter.
There are a shitload -excuse my french- of people saying that President Obama is a muslim. Like it's some kind of terrorist organization, or even, God forbid! A different race!
Somebody said today, "Obama is half-muslim."
And I replied, "You do know that's a religion?"
And she said, "Yeah."
And so I said back, "He's a christian."
For which she had no intelligent response.

Besides the fact that everybody is calling him a muslim, which he is not, what should it matter if he was? Christianity is no more righteous than Islam just because it's more practiced in the United States than any other religion.

Aaand, I'm just babbling on to nobody in particular about the same things that have been babbled upon for a long while. Plus, I went from ranting about same-sex marriage being banned in California (an issue which is total bullshit and cost way too much money) to allegations about Barack Obama and the lack of religious tolerance throughout the US. I'll stop here.


Two animal-welfare measures passed — a ban on dog racing in Massachusetts, and a proposition in California that outlaws cramped cages for egg-laying chickens.
That makes me feel better. At least not everybody's a huge douche. <:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Gay Marriage.

A very popular topic in debates, yes, but why? People are spouting off ridiculous things like gays leading "filthy and nasty lifestyles". Unless you watch a homosexual person through their window every single day and are able to make the observation that they never take showers and/or baths, kindly shut your face.
Now, I actually don't believe in Marriage regarding love. Getting married for the sole purpose of having kids, sure. But on the whole, I could really care less about walking down an aisle just to be legally tied to someone I loved.
For the people who do care, who are we to take that right away from them? Sure, the framers of the constitution probably weren't thinking of homosexuals when they were writing their laws about liberty and equality and marriage. And maybe it isn't "fair" to African-Americans for us to relate gay marriage to their past slavery, but can you see the similarities? A group of people who aren't allowed to get married, a group of people whose rights were taken from them because of a socially obvious difference...

"In Colorado, one conservative group released a video called "Gay Rights, Special Rights," which visually contrasted scantly clothed participants in gay and lesbian festivals and the thousands of people who attended the March on Washington. The group sought to portray gays and lesbians as a bunch of privileged, promiscuous, party-goers, who do not need "special" civil rights protection. But if we used this same logic and looked at imagery from Freaknic (an annual party sponsored by black fraternities, known for having heaps of alcohol and "hook-ups") and the March on Washington, then one could legitimately conclude that today's blacks do not deserve civil rights." -Dissenting Justice

Logic. Do u has it?

And to the bible-thumpers, please do not shove your religion in other people's faces to try and prove to somebody they are a horrible person. Yeah, this country was founded with Christian ideals in mind, but times have changed. If God is all-forgiving, I'm sure he'd forgive you for keeping your trap shut about the daily business of a fellow human.
p.s. That wasn't to deface Religion. Just the close-minded Christians who walk around with bibles stuck to their faces.

Now, I could say that I'm not gay, but that would be contradicting everything I just said by proving that it somehow matters.
Au Revoir!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My oh-so Political Blog of Politicinicity

John McCain is going to have a heart attack if he gets voted into office. And you know who's going to be our president then? Palin. And then the world will implode on itself.
I think that's actually his plan.
He's a terrorist in disguise.
Like a suicide bomber with a longer life.

And there you go, My Opinion. Can't you tell how edumacated I am?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So this is like LiveJournal, huh?

I never use that, either.